I am focused on reducing or eliminating problem behaviors in equines by following the latest scientific guidelines for behavioral modification.
As many behavioral problems can be related to pain, I require all clients to have had a recent veterinary appointment prior to beginning any behavioral treatments. Even if an equine has had a recent veterinary appointment, before beginning working with an owner and their equine for the first time, I reach out to a client’s regular veterinarian to ask for consent. Following initial consultations, I will send a consultation summary and keep you updated on follow-up plans and behavioral treatments.
I am passionate about helping owners create safe, easy to handle equines. I can help address common problems related to husbandry such as needle phobia and reluctance to stand still, and help retrain difficult behaviors surrounding administration of medications such as oral or nasal treatments.
I can also help address more general behavioral issues such as aggression around food, separation anxiety, and stereotypies (e.g. weaving).
If you feel a client may benefit from these services, or have questions and want to talk more, please do reach out. Phone calls with veterinarians have no obligations and are completely free.